In today’s era, the enterprise has good sized challenges in protecting the enterprise interest. There hundreds of technology, frameworks and standards are available. Do they truly assist the organizations to obtain 100% compliant by means of mitigating business risks from Cyber-attacks, information leakage and meeting regulatory requirements?
There could be various reasons, where organization fails to meet compliance, such as
- Lack of Technical Expertise
- Lack of end user awareness
- Using out dated technologies
- Limited budget implementing InfoSec
- Lack of continuity and focus
- Last but the least is negligence
Businesses wants to do away with these demanding situations to run their commercial enterprise smoothly by implementing the corrective and preventive measures. Selecting the proper framework is most crucial earlier than it’s been enforced across organization.
It turned into a hard scenario for maximum of the commercial enterprise in 25th May 2018 to conform and comply to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). For most of the security consulting companies began developing trainings modules and certification packages and programs under data protection and privacy. Almost every enterprise commenced to comply with GDPR and now CCPA turn out to be a new challenge. To accommodate the new guidelines with the present framework is cumbersome. Again organizations have to look for legal assistance by appointing a consulting company having the know-how of CCPA. Obviously this would cost the organization with additional fee.
One Framework, One Audit with XTF’s Assurance
Here XpertLync, enables the organization who’ve enrolled themselves with robust Xpert’s Trusted Framework – Assurance Program will have to follow ZTP (Zero Tolerance Policy). With the help of white hackers, technology experts and global auditors, we’ve got advanced a framework deliver 100% assurance to the facts security.
Xpert’s Trusted Framework is customizable based on business model, its developed using ISO27001, PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, Cyber Security, SOC-2, Cobit, NIST guidelines and various other standard like BCM etc.
In the event of data leak or cyber-attack, there would be zero loss of information, only when organization adapts the Xpert’s Trusted Methodology.
To overcome information sharing and privacy, we’ve already accommodated 20 countries guidelines been prebuilt within Xpert’s Trusted Framework. The framework itself is complicated in nature, but give organization in-depth security with peace of mind.